Wednesday, August 13, 2008

That' S What Your Bankruptcy Service Is For

Category: Finance, Credit.

If you' re even considering bankruptcy as a way to free yourself of overburdening debt, then it's probably a good idea to what types of bankruptcy services are available and what they can offer. Most will guide you through your finances and see if it's a t all- possible to pay back your debt to avoid filing for bankruptcy in the first place.

Credit Counseling Services: Credit counseling services are designed to help you take a long had look at your financial situation and decide what's best for you and your future. The nice thing about using this type of service is that it allows you to learn how to better manage your finances, while allowing them to handle your creditors to set up payment plans and even have some of your debt forgiven. Both services are virtually the same, except that one is typically free, or very low- cost and one is not. There are two types of credit counseling services: the pay for and the non- profit service. Be very careful when choosing a service t be sure that they are qualified to handle your specific situation and can actually help you get out of this important financial bind. Although they can be a bit pricey, especially for someone who is already in debt, their services are vital to ensure that the process goes smoothly and is handled properly. Bankruptcy Lawyers: Once you and your credit counselor determine that bankruptcy is your best option, it's time to find a good lawyer who specializes in bankruptcy in your state.

Bankruptcy laws can be very different from state to state with mounds of legal paperwork t complete, so be sure that the lawyer you choose is an expert in this field. Pre- Filing Services: Maybe the most important bankruptcy service you' ll need is a pre- filing service that is capable of stopping any home foreclosures ad repossessions during the bankruptcy process. Remember, attorney fees cannot be included in your bankruptcy debt, so you' ll need to pay these fees upfront. Whatever bankruptcy service you choose to help you through this tedious and often confusing process, make sure the are qualified to help you determine which type of bankruptcy you qualify for and move the process along as quickly as possible. That's what your bankruptcy service is for. It's important to have all of your paperwork filed out correctly before filing with the court.

What else should your service or lawyer do? Here's a sample of what to expect: -The service you choose should help you work out an affordable repayment plan. -They should help you work out an after bankruptcy plan in order to maintain your payments. -They should help you determine what assets you can legally retain and which must be sold.

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